Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Flashback of Our Week!

Here is our week in review...

1.  Fly swatter math with multiplication :

The kids love this!  Have you tried it???  

It is a great game of motivation and speed for any facts you would like your kiddos to learn!
The younger kids used it with their alphabet cards for letter identification and sounds.
  I also plan on using it more for number recognition, foreign word recognition
( we are learning Spanish & Hebrew), and shape recognition!

All you need to play are fly swatters for each child and card facts.

 Put a card down and whoever says the answer correctly and is the first to swat it wins!

The one with  the most cards wins!

We used our Eggcellent Multiplication Cards that you can see more of here.
There are many ways to gain speed in memorization of math facts.
Games such as this, multiplication war, and basketball multiplication are just a few.
What are some of your favorites?

2.  We have also been counting the Omer since Passover and memorizing Bible verses:

...using these chocolates for incentives!

This worked for the first week but I seriously ate to many!
Now our incentives are computer typing games on typing web!
 (It's a great free resource for kids to learn to type)

 This is a picture of our counting the omer  page.
  The kids count the omer each day and staple it on the right number.

We are actually about half way through!
  If you would like to count the Omer or use these for counting from Resurrection Day
 (Feast of Firstfruits or Yom HaBikkurim (during Passover)
 to Pentecost (Shavaot) you can grab it here.

Here is our completed Passover Lamb craftivity!
We used it to learn our Hebrew Aleph Bet letters.
 We also made a cute little scroll with our Hebrew /English verse rolled up on cut skewer sticks!

I think they came out so cute!
 Grab them in my store here!

Here is a little picture of our Arts & Crafts door!

3.   Taking  Care of Me:

This is my new wallet:)  I couldn't resist any more-It matches my cute  new black  purse!! we only have a few left...
you can grab one from our Panama Art Store on Etsy if you would like one
 special order one in your favorite color:)

4.  We revisited our I can Toucan unit and You can too!

I Can Toucan - Rainforest Birds Craftivity, Book, Coloring Sheets, and Song

There is a new craftivity  mask just added!.
Stay tuned I am updating the file this week in my stores!
If you have already purchased it you should be getting the e-mail with notice of the revised file soon!

Doesn't she make a cute toucan:)???

5.  Greek and Latin Roots
We have also been continuing working on all our Greek & Latin Roots in our notebook.
The kids have to write their Greek or Latin root and then draw the definition without using any words!
 They then get to use their notebook on the final exam!

I'm not sure if they love drawing or using all those sharpie colors...
but whatever it is  - they enjoy it !

 Don't you just love this picture?

What did you do this week?
 I would love to hear about it - please comment below!
I'm linking up with :

If your looking for some great teaching products to win - check out this giveaway!

You can win your choice of anything in my store PLUS a whole lot more!
Hope you win!


  1. Following you on google plus

    and bloglovin

    I came from culture swappers and the Wondering Brain blog hop!

    So great to meet you. I homeschool my children so I am looking for educational stuff all the time.

    Wondering if you have a twitter account. I couldn't find one on your sidebar. I would love to follow you via twitter.

  2. I found you through Homeschool Chick..and wow..what an unusual homeschool tale you have here. I hope you'll consider adding this to the end of the week link up at HammockTracks, the Homeschool Review. I look forward to exploring your blog more and learning of your travels. -Savannah

  3. That fly swatter game is brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for stopping by:) Now I'm off to go visit all your wonderful blogs...


Please share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you:)