Monday, April 1, 2013

Final Passover Flash Freebies!

If you were to  hang around me long enough you would come to see that I love all things Ancient

For many Christians Easter has just passed and Passover is almost over for many Jews.  What many of you might not realize is that there is a direct correlation to the Ancient Hebrew Feasts and Jesus´s Death, Burial, and Resurrection spoken of in the Bible!

Did you know Jesus Fulfilled these Spring Feasts of the Ancient Bible?

These Ancient Feasts have their origins with Moses and the Children of Israel coming out of Egypt thousands
of years before Jesus.  During the days of Jesus, in Israel, these same feasts were still celebrated.

Jesus died during the Passover season.  He is our Passover Lamb.  The lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

Jesus celebrated the Passover eating the unleavened bread ( matzah)  during his last supper.  He said to eat the was his body...matzah.  Matzah does not have yeast.  Yeast is a picture of sin.  Jesus did not have sin!  He is the Matzah!  (In a symbolic kind of way)

Jesus rose from the dead 3 days and 3 nights after he died.  If you look at this picture that I made you can see how he died during Passover and rose again on Feast of Firstfruits!

Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) is the Firstfruit of all who will rise from the dead!
1Co 15:20  But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. ..
1Co 15:23  But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.

On this same day the omer is starting to be counted.  It will be counted for 50 days.  It ends on another Ancient Feast Day - Shavaot - What Christians know as Pentecost!

Be on the look out for another Ancient Hebrew Card then!

  Be sure to grab these card right away...they are free for the season of Passover ONLY then the Flash Passover Freebies will be over!  Make sure you grabbed them all from the previous posts!
Chag Sameach!  Happy Holy Days!

Linking Up:

Road to 31


Giveaway Day

The Homeschool Village


  1. Hey there, here from the hop! I just liked your facebook page :o) You can find mine here:

  2. Hi there! I have ventured over from Linkin’ With My Ladies. I am co-hosting this month and I just wanted to thank you for participating! Love your blog! XOXO, Mandi @ All My Happy Endings


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