I just found a free learning website.
If you are looking for free educational games,
this is a good place to start.
They also offer these incentives if you share their website:
Review MrNussbaum.com on your site,
your school’s site or anywhere else.
Recieve a $10 gift card for each review.

MrNussbaum.com Created by a real public school teacher.
MrNussbaum.com is pretty simple and straight forward.
Games include: arm-wrestling soft pretzels,
Place Value Pirates,
Decimals of the Caribbean,
fraction-obsessed pizza shop owners,
armies of vindictive semicolons,
the Greatest American Zero,
Fraction Man, and Tae-Kwon Donuts and many more.
Why not check it out for
some free educational games this summer?

• Entertains kids with over 150 wacky,
and addictive learning games that pinpoint
specific skills highlighted in the Common Core Standards
• Engages students ages 2 – 14
• Helps reinforce and teach skills through easy-to-use,
interactive math workshops such as Decimals Worskhop,
Fractions, Workshop, Drag n Drop Math, Graphmaster,
and the Amazing Number Board
•Provides extensive interactive research modules
in hundreds of subjects such as the 13 Colonies,
Civil War, Space, Birds, insects, Presidents,
U.S. Constitution, Explorers and many more.
• Provides more than 150 leveled printable or
online reading comprehension exercises that mirror
those found on state mandated standardized tests.
• Provides rewards for student users
such as real prizes and printable certificates.
I just found a free learning website.
If you are looking for free educational games,
this is a good place to start.
They also offer these incentives if you share their website:
Review MrNussbaum.com on your site,
your school’s site or anywhere else.
Recieve a $10 gift card for each review.
MrNussbaum.com Created by a real public school teacher.
MrNussbaum.com is pretty simple and straight forward.
Games include: arm-wrestling soft pretzels,
Place Value Pirates,
Decimals of the Caribbean,
fraction-obsessed pizza shop owners,
armies of vindictive semicolons,
the Greatest American Zero,
Fraction Man, and Tae-Kwon Donuts and many more.
Why not check it out for
some free educational games this summer?
• Entertains kids with over 150 wacky,
and addictive learning games that pinpoint
specific skills highlighted in the Common Core Standards
• Engages students ages 2 – 14
• Helps reinforce and teach skills through easy-to-use,
interactive math workshops such as Decimals Worskhop,
Fractions, Workshop, Drag n Drop Math, Graphmaster,
and the Amazing Number Board
•Provides extensive interactive research modules
in hundreds of subjects such as the 13 Colonies,
Civil War, Space, Birds, insects, Presidents,
U.S. Constitution, Explorers and many more.
• Provides more than 150 leveled printable or
online reading comprehension exercises that mirror
those found on state mandated standardized tests.
• Provides rewards for student users
such as real prizes and printable certificates.
MrNussbaum.com is 100% free for all to use. The entire 3,500-page site!

MrNussbaum.com also offers most of its content for free on your tablet.
No need to download apps (they have those too),
much of the site’s content can be used directly off your iPad or Android browser.
Check out the MrNussbaum.com home page,
find information on the available mobile content,
and visit the testimonials page to learn more.
Teachers and homeschooling parents can even earn money by contributing content to MrNussbaum.com – click here to find out how!
We checked it out and I know we will go back!
I did not see inappropriate ads popping up
and there was definitely educational value to be found in the games.
I don't know about your kids, but mine love to play games.
Lately it has been an incentive to get their work done:)
I would love to hear what you think about the website
and what FREE online educational games you like...

MrNussbaum.com also offers most of its content for free on your tablet.
No need to download apps (they have those too),
much of the site’s content can be used directly off your iPad or Android browser.
Check out the MrNussbaum.com home page,
find information on the available mobile content,
and visit the testimonials page to learn more.
Teachers and homeschooling parents can even earn money by contributing content to MrNussbaum.com – click here to find out how!
We checked it out and I know we will go back!
I did not see inappropriate ads popping up
and there was definitely educational value to be found in the games.
I don't know about your kids, but mine love to play games.
Lately it has been an incentive to get their work done:)
I would love to hear what you think about the website
and what FREE online educational games you like...
Oh how cool page!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I have needed this kind of games :)
I also enjoy your pinterest. I could probably use your advice here. I will teach english in Poland for two months in the orphanage and that would be cool to use this. I'm glad that God brought me across your blog :). and I work as an english teacher but freelance but I break for now because I need to finish some stuff here.
Gracias senora.
Dios te bendiga.
Con gusto senorita Delvalina:)
ReplyDeleteI am sure you will do great in Poland...there are so many ideas out there and Pinterest definitely can give you lots of ideas!
Vaya con Dios!
Thanks so much for the follow on bloglovin'! I'm happy to be following you back! Hope you have a great night :o)
ReplyDeleteWonderful post...I really like your blog.^^
ReplyDeleteHope we can follow each other on bloglovin???
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets Nessa
Thank you sooo much for the follow.
ReplyDeleteFollow you back on bloglovin and gfc,too.
Do you also follow me on gfc???
Lovely greets
Delighted to meet you today. We too homeschooled our kids while we lived in Costa Rica and Panama. Small world.
ReplyDeleteDelighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some serious goodness.
Also wanted to extend an invite ... to share this post (or another fave) to encourage even more moms. We could use it.
Join the Melody ...