Sunday, July 28, 2013

Anual Back To School Giveaway!

Sponsors of our 3rd Annual Back to Home School Giveaway ~
Ready to Enter? Click here!


Prize Package Details - Total Prizes Valued at $1,906!
How it works: We will draw 12 individual winners -
one for each prize pack below. 


A $1,906 VALUE!

Another Great Giveaway to enter:)
I would love to win some of this curriculum, wouldn't you?
Hearts at Home Curriculum Store -
 Hearts at Home is offering a 
5-Subject Switched on Schoolhouse Complete Set. 
Switched-On Schoolhouse is a comprehensive,
 Christian homeschool curriculum that offers
 computer-based learning for grades 3-12. 
With animation, video clips, and other fascinating 
Switched-On Schoolhouse is
 the perfect Christian homeschool curriculum for
 today's generation.
Winners will select one grade between 3-12. 
Hearts at Home offers over 200 publishers at up to 
30% off everyday! 
Super fast, flat rate shipping & great service.
 Owned and operated by a homeschooling family
. Total Value - $450

Founders Academy - Founders Academy is an 
online instructional resource
 to assist you in your homeschooling. They provide live,
 interactive and engaging instruction
 in American Government
 and Free Market Economics for a variety of ages. 
Winners will win the following:

  Sensational Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Choice of ONE: Government 101 OR Economics 101.
  (Note: Semester of Economics or 
Government class must be used Fall 2013
 or Spring 2014 and has no cash value
 if not claimed or used.
 If you have no high school students,
 you may substitute
 Economics or Government
 for the Young Patriot's American History.) 
Total Value - $221

Bright Ideas Press - Enter to win a year of your
 choice of Illuminations
plus the corresponding science and history
 books that go with it
 (either The Mystery or History or 
All American History and a year of 
Christian Kids Explore Science). 
Tired of planning it all yourself? 
Do you long to teach your kids 
together at the same time? 
Have you ever felt overwhelmed
 by all the planning you need to do?
 Do you ever wish you could 
find all your plans in one place?
  Illuminations is your answer! 
Illuminations is an all-inclusive* 
curriculum plan, covering Bible, 
language arts
 (grammar, writing, copywork, 
spelling, and vocabulary),
 literature, science, humanities 
(poetry, theater, music, and art),
 geography, history, and life skills. Total
*does not include math - Value - $215

Cover Story - From the creator of 
The One Year Adventure Novel
comes a new writing curriculum for 
 mid-grade students.
  Cover Story takes middle school students 
– 6th through 8th grade –
 on a guided tour through the
 universe of Story. 
The program covers poetry,
 short stories, 
creative non-fiction, interviews, 
blogs, letters, 
 and much more in video lessons taught by a
 professional writer. A complete 
Language Arts program: 
Writing, Story techniques and structure, Literature, 
Critical thinking, & Grammar 
(included but optional.)
  Total Value - $149

Home School Adventure Co
has bundled an exciting and unique 
critical thinking collection which includes: 
Philippians in 28 Weeksâ„¢
a simple and painless way
 to memorize an entire book of Scripture,
  The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions
- an enchanting fable
 that unmasks the ugliness of pride and selfishness,
 and the newly released 
Philosophy Adventureâ„¢ -Pre-Socratics -
 designed to help students 6th-12th grade 
cultivate and defend 
a biblical worldview by teaching them how
 to write skillfully, 
think critically, and speak articulately as they
 explore the history of ideas.
  Total Value $148

BrimWood Press - BrimWood Press is dedicated
 to providing thought-rich, 
 visually stimulating materials that enable children 
to grasp essential 
 concepts of learning through pioneering methods 
that engage the whole child. Their package is the
  "Conversations Worldview Kit" - a combination 
of some of the most popular
 BrimWood Press' worldview products: 
Christian Theology & Ancient Polytheism
Historical Novels for Engaging Thinkers,
  Introduction to Worldview, & 
Conversations from the Garden.
  Total Value - $125

A+ TutorSoft -
 Multisensory-Interactive Homeschool
 MATH ONLINE (1 year Access) -
 Our Multi-Sensory Interactive
 MATH Curriculum Software makes learning 
MATH fun and easy by using audio, computer 
animated visuals and text.
 It is designed to keep your child's attention. 
Total Value - $125

Heritage History - The Heritage Classical 
Curriculum is the easiest, 
least expensive, and most enjoyable way to 
learn traditional history. 
Their "living books" reading program uses
 narrative histories
 that were popular with young people of 
earlier generations an
d features books of interest to students of all ages. 
This giveaway includes the following titles
Young Readers, 
Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome,
 British Middle Ages, 
& British Empire. Total Value - $125

Memoria Press - First Form Latin Set -
 Written by Cheryl Lowe 
(author of the best-selling Latina Christiana), 
First Form and its sister Latin products have
 been used by more than 
100,000 students across the world to learn Latin! 
First Form's 
grammar-first approach focuses on grammar forms 
 and vocabulary
 because these are the skills suitable for the grammar
 stage student. 
The First Form Series is for students of all ages
 because all 
beginners—regardless of age—are in the 
grammar stage of learning.
  Total Value - $115 -
Notebooking Pages LIFETIME Membership 
with 1-year bonus access to The Notebooking 
Publisher web-app. 
Your Membership includes access to
  ALL of their products on this page 
PLUS LIFETIME updates...past, present, & future 
.all yours! 
Total Value - $100

Blogelina -
The Complete Blog Set-Up/Makeover Package.
 Have you ever wanted a blog, but you didn't 
know where to start?
  Wonder how you can make money for your family by blogging?
 This complete package is for you! If you already
 have a blog, 
get a FREE makeover! Total Value - $79

Write Through the Bible 
Write Through the Bible is a series
 of copywork printables designed 
 for an entire school year,
 combining the disciplines
 of handwriting, dictation, vocabulary,
 and Scripture memory into 
one daily activity. Prize includes 
The ENTIRE Write Through the Bible Collection 
along with 
The Heart of Humility: 
Teaching Your Kids to Put Others First 
(A family study of Philippians 2:1-18).
 The Workbooks will be in both manuscript and cursive
 & you can choose between ESV or KJV versions
Total Value - $54

Ready to Enter? Click here!

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