Monday, August 12, 2013

Currently at Thetraveling Classroom


Love these new Calendar Notebooks for this year...English & Spanish!!!  They are for my K and 1st graders...What do you think?    (If you need some too click on the picture to find them in my store...there is a  FREEBIE in the download!)  I am laminating and making them into notebooks today!   I can't wait to use them with my kids:)

This is the Cacao I need to buy from the farmer's market to make my smoothies...

I am totally loving my new bows I just made for my clip charts and months of the year:) The clip chart below is used to clip on what season we are in, what the weather is outside, and what we are doing in math for the week.  I made the cutest clips (clothespins)...I still need to take pictures and post soon - 1 more thing added to  my list!   (click on the pictures to grab the calendar/clip chart in my store!)

Here are our months of the year in Spanish and  English, on a  pillar! 

Below are the smaller number clips I use to clip on the specific month, put in a pocket chart, etc.  These are FREE too:)  (Please leave me a comment or two if you download them in my store!)
Free Number Cards  Ribbon Calendar Numbers  Free Number Cards 17-31  Ribbon Calendar NumbersFree Jewish Holidays  Ribbon Calendar
This is my Dry Erase Board before my clip chart went up I love the magnetic clips, they are sooo useful! 

This is a picture of our table time.  Here we are learning letter formation and reviewing  the the alphabet in Spanish.

These are more pictures of our classroom, tables, terrarium with our pet anole, supply bins, book tubs, etc...

and our computer center...
and reading areas.  I think that about sums it up for now.   This is our  Homeschool Classroom in Panama!
( I won't show you the messy storage closet or my paper piles..I'll spare you and take pictures when I get them organized!)

Now on with some other fun things:)

I am super excited to have found these today...these are awesome living books - which are soooo
hard to find in Panama!  Thank you God for e-books!

There are soooo many Back To School Sales...have you seen these???  Totally Awesome deals!  Everything in my store is also 20% off for the length of the sale!

 That's not all 1 person will win the Learning To Tell Time Bundle!  
Click on the picture to enter!

Thetravelingclassroom is linking up with...

Word of the Day DIY Project

Thanks for Traveling With Us!


  1. Linking up through Currently. It's great to stumble upon your blog. You sure have been busy with back-to-school! Looks great!

  2. Thanks for all the cool freebie templates. Your classroom looks amazing and I love the ceiling in your reading room! Visiting from LOBS link up.

  3. Really great printables!! The gang over at My Personal Accent, would like to invite you to link-up this fantastic post at our new Blog Strut Peacock Style Link Party. Share as many of your creative ideas, recipes, and any other family friendly content as you like. We will be pinning every submission we receive. If you have a giveaway or contest you’d like to promote, feel free to post it on our giveaway page. Come on over and show us what you’ve got!

  4. Cool calendar! I love it. And your photos are great. The girls' bedroom looks awesome and the way you've organized everything into bins is perfect.

  5. I am wondering if you have a cocoa recipe for the smoothies? I am going to look around your blog for it! Em

  6. I want to know if there is a cocoa recipe for the smoothies? :) Em

  7. @Em...I put chocolate in everything lol:) (healthy cacao bits:) Banana chocolate smoothie (frozen banana, milk, cacao), Chocolate Strawberry smoothie (frozen bananas, strawberries,milk, cacao) Peanut butter chocolate blueberry (frozen bananas, blueberries, peanut butter, and milk) Those are my favs:)


Please share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you:)