Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Asia: Its People and History! (Book Review & Giveaway)

Traveling around in a different country is a great way to learn about its people and culture. If you can't take your classroom there physically, how can you teach them about a country in an interesting way? 

Why not make it interactive? 

 In the past we have had homemade passports that we "stamped" as we traveled to each country. One of our favorite activities was sitting in "airplane seats" (the stairs) while each "passenger" put their imaginary seat-belt on, made sure their backpacks were put  safely away, and had their "children" (stuffed animals) sitting securely in the seats next to them. Another favorite was trying out different ethnic foods from each country. It can't get any better than that, right?

When I was given the opportunity to review this book as part of the book launch team, I jumped at the chance.  We have been wanting to learn more about Asia and get back into geography this year.  With our new illuminated world globe  plugged in,  we started reading.  Every story brought tears to my eyes as I was reminded of how difficult it can be to be a believer in Jesus in other countries.  At the end of each story there was a history lesson that was very informative about  the country.  We were also delighted to find links to other informational websites and engaging activities to help us think more about the countries we just read about.  There are some free printable activities for a few of the countries that you can find here.

 Asia: Its People and History! by Bonnie Rose Hudson is a book that highlights  six countries out of the more than fifty countries and territories in Asia.   This is more than just a book about Asia.  It is also a  sixteen-week course  that presents a brief picture of six nations. (Laos, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Iran, and Vietnam) It will introduce your students to the people of Asia, through persecuted Christian stories of children their age, history of the country, and fun activities that go along with each country.

We have this book in PDF form and I have all of my kids ages 9- 15 reading and doing the activities for their History/Geography and Timeline every day.  Although I have read all of the stories on my own for the review, the kids have only just begun.  I really look forward to seeing how these stories will touch their hearts for HIS Kingdom.  If you like living books,  like I do, to teach your children about history and geography - then this is for you.  The book has now been released and you can find it in the following locations for only $6.95.


-SmashWords ( for Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader and ibooks)

You can also find it in The Old Schoolhouse Store for 25% off until 3-15.

Here is a little bit about the author:

Bonnie Rose Hudson works with both SchoolhouseTeachers.com  and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine® as a curriculum creator and editorial assistant. Her heart’s desire is for every child to feel the love of God and know how special they are to Him. She would love for you to stop by and meet the star of her children’s series at Exploring with Jake , look through the 10/40 window of the world and join others in prayer at Looking Out the 10/40 Window, or stop by her author’s blog WriteBonnieRose.com  for fun printables and discover how you can write for the homeschool market. 

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/WriteBonnieRose 

Twitter: @WriteBonnieRose
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/writebonnierose/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102762854415920685791/posts

Now for the Giveaway!

I am so excited that I get to give away this book in PDF form to TWO of my readers!  If you would like to win a copy please leave your comment below to enter.  Just answer this question in your comment:  What countries would you like to read about in Bonnie's next book?  (Winners will be selected 3-5-2014)

Would you like more geography & history ideas for your classroom?  Stop by my Geography and History Pinterest Board where I am always adding another neat resource:)

Thanks for traveling with us,


  1. What a fantastic giveaway! The printable activities are very nice too. As for the next Bonnie Rose book, it would be interesting to have a book sharing a history of the people and cultures of a few Northern African countries such as Morocco, Libya, and Sudan.

  2. the netherlands and germany, those would be good countries to learn about next. :)

  3. Thank you for the giveaway...I would say South America---I would love to learn more about the people groups and countries of South America.

  4. I would enjoy learning about the people groups and countries of South America...Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I think South America would be great for her next book.


Please share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you:)