Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Tooth Book - Mi librito de dientes - having fun learning about teeth!

"Say Ah", ..that is one of my first memories of the dentist.   That and falling asleep in the dentist chair.  It probably had something to do with all the cavities I had.  Needless to say I do not want my children spending as much time as I did at the dentist office.  So it was time to learn about teeth.  To be more exact "Dental Health" or "Salud Dental" as we would say here in Panama.

We made this little toothbrush craft which worked well as a pointer to use reading our little book as well as using it to pretend to brush the teeth of our little tooth friend. "Brush up & down.  On top and on the bottom.  Make sure you brush real good.  Now show me your teeth".  That is how I got the two cute poses for the above pictures:)

To make the little toothbrush craft all you need are 3 items:  plastic eyes, Popsicle sticks, and Styrofoam.  Just cut out the Styrofoam to your liking and glue it on along with the eyes.  We added a smile to the blue toothbrush...he was brushing  his teeth well.

¿Si, necisitas en EspaƱol?  Aqui es..

If you looking for something fun to teach your kiddos about brushing their teeth and a little bit more - this is it.  Feel free to hop on over to my store for more info. by clicking on any of the pictures.

What is your first dentist memory?

Don't forget to brush:)


Please share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you:)