Monday, August 18, 2014

Wizzy Gizmo Audio Drama ~ A TOS Review

The Audio Drama One:  Who Created Everything?, is the first of two series that are available in book form.  I received their first and only audio drama CD  for the purpose of this review. There are two books based on the Old Testament stories and a set of cards that teach about the books of the New Testament that you can also find on the Wizzy Gizmo website. 

 "Who Created Everything"  from Wizzy Gizmo is an audio drama CD.   It is a 36 minute Bible drama from Genesis chapter 1 that retails for $14.99.    Wizzy Gizmo is a character in the story that invents gizmos. With his gizmovision machine, the cast of characters are able to transport themselves into a book of the Bible.  The story begins with a professor and a group of kids that travel back in time via a time machine.  Interspersed between talking kids and the professor are catchy songs that go along with the story.

The cast of characters includes Wizzy Gizmo, Qwacky, Pepe, Summer, Thomas, Eli, and Olive.  Here is a list of the 22 tracks included on the CD so you can have a better understanding of what is included.

1.    Wizzy Gizmo Theme Song
2.    Gizmovision
3.    Day One of Creation
4.    Day Two of Creation
5.    Day Three of Creation Part 1
6.    Where are the Stars?
7.    Day Three of Creation Part 2
8.    Mango Oh How I love You!
9.    Strawberry Summer
10.  Day Three of Creation Part 3
11.  Day Four of Creation
12.  Day Five of Creation
13.  Day Six of Creation
14.  Worthy are You
15.  Giz Quiz
16.  Third Heaven
17.  Everything
18.  Let There be Light
19.  Sunrise to Space
20.  Under Water Adventure
21.  Creatures of the World
22.  Go Forth

According to the CD sleeve all scripture is taken from the New American Standard Bible.

The age range for this particular audio drama is for ages 4-12.  Younger kids will probably enjoy this CD and go "along for the ride" due to the quick paced story line and songs.  The songs have a contemporary sound to them and are reminiscent of other popular Christian rock audio dramas I have heard over the years.  Would you like to listen to some sample songs and stories to see if this is for you?  Then hop on over and take a listen!

When this CD arrived in the mail we immediately popped it in to listen to it.  My kids 5, 8, and 10 were immediately interested.  We listened to it until they were "done" listening.  We only made it through about 1/2 of the CD because the kids thought some of the acting was a bit forced and they didn't like it.  We are also not big on rock music so it was a little loud and "trendy" for our taste.  

  If you are interested in the books or cards be sure to check out what other members of the crew had to say about them.  You can connect with  Wizzy Gizmo  through the following sites.

Thanks for traveling with us:)

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