Our two youngest kids really enjoyed using Science4Us.com this last month. As I was preparing to write this review I was thinking about what a blessing it has been for us to have this program. You see my kids have really been sucked into the computer game craze that is all around us. Everyone plays computer games and they seem to be constantly asking to play. I don't really approve of many games for various reasons. I was really wanting to fill that desire to play computer games with something "good for them" or educational. With Science4Us.com Online Subscription I found just what I needed. Something fun but educational. They were asking to "play" science:)
This program is intended for grades K-2, but children in grades 3-5 can use it as a review of earlier science material. Although it can be used as a review, my older kids felt that they were too mature for it. My two younger children, ages 5 and 7, were able to use it completely with their own log in and user ids. Below is what their initial page looks like after they log in:
Science4Us.com is an complete online interactive science program. All the lessons are animated, with their own simulations, songs, and games. I was really impressed with the extensive lesson plans and professional development videos that are available for the teacher. Science4US.com covers main topics like Science Inquiry, Earth/Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science and others.
Below is a sample of what the teacher page looks like after log in:

The curriculum is broken down into books, units, modules, and activities. It allows the teacher to set the pace and assignments for each student. This is a sample page from the Book: Physics, Unit: Matter, Module: States of Matter, with the activity "Contain It".
As you can see the graphics are very fun and engaging. My 5 year old was walking around talking about solids, liquids, and gases after this module. I love how the kids are having fun "playing" science while really learning some important facts. Here is another screen shot of the Activity: Take a note, from the same Module "States of Matter".

As I was typing this, I gave my daughter a quick quiz (She completed this particular module 3 weeks ago). She aced it with flying colors and was able to explain the 3 states of matter. This kindergarten science curriculum passed the test. It is teaching my kids for me. I Love it:)
Cost for membership: $7.95 per child per month

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Below is a sample of what the teacher page looks like after log in:
The curriculum is broken down into books, units, modules, and activities. It allows the teacher to set the pace and assignments for each student. This is a sample page from the Book: Physics, Unit: Matter, Module: States of Matter, with the activity "Contain It".
As you can see the graphics are very fun and engaging. My 5 year old was walking around talking about solids, liquids, and gases after this module. I love how the kids are having fun "playing" science while really learning some important facts. Here is another screen shot of the Activity: Take a note, from the same Module "States of Matter".

As I was typing this, I gave my daughter a quick quiz (She completed this particular module 3 weeks ago). She aced it with flying colors and was able to explain the 3 states of matter. This kindergarten science curriculum passed the test. It is teaching my kids for me. I Love it:)
Product Summary
Teacher/Parent Dashboard: A private area for lesson planning and professional development. There is also an area where you can keep track of your student's progress and make assignments.
Student Digital Notebook: This is a notebook that your students can add to as they progress through each lesson. Students can add their own notes, charts, and diagrams to their personal notebook.
Over 350 lessons: Covering Inquiry (science tools), Earth/Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science.
Uses 5E Inquiry-Based Instruction Module: Uses Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate throughout each module.
Literacy and Math Integration: Each module integrates these core subjects through poetry, songs, figurative language, charts, and graphs.
Common Core Aligned: Complete Science curriculum with integrated language arts and math skills.
Literacy and Math Integration: Each module integrates these core subjects through poetry, songs, figurative language, charts, and graphs.
Common Core Aligned: Complete Science curriculum with integrated language arts and math skills.
Science Worksheets & Experiments: Printable activities and online experiments that go along with each module.
Pros: Child friendly, Teacher friendly, many teaching options and subjects available.
Cons: Kindergarten, first, and second grade earth science is approached from a millions of years world view instead of from a Biblical world view of thousands of years.
Review Summary
Pros: Child friendly, Teacher friendly, many teaching options and subjects available.
Cons: Kindergarten, first, and second grade earth science is approached from a millions of years world view instead of from a Biblical world view of thousands of years.
You can find Science4Us at the following sites:
I hope you found this review helpful...What are you using for your Science Curriculum? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you:)

Thanks for traveling with us,

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