Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Sunday Scoop {FREEBIE}

You will find 10 cute Editable Chevron Binder Covers in this Follower Freebie!  Just click on the link below to scoop yours up:)

In case you haven't entered yet...there is still time to enter the giveaway!  
You can win this for YOU & A FRIEND!!  Just enter through the rafflecopter below:)

I've linked up with the ...

 Freebie FridayTeaching blogs share freebies all the time and at Teaching Blog Addict, we give you the place to find them all in one spot! Be sure to come back each week to see what's new! Find free downloads and teacher resources for kindergarten, first grade ,second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade and sixth grade.


  1. I teach 3rd, so I teach everything. :) I would use these to keep me organized! I need that. ;) Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  2. I NEED to clean the house but it hasn't happened yet! Thanks for linking with us!
    Tech Crazy Teacher
    Teaching Trio


Please share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you:)

Welcome! Bienvendidos! Shalom! from our family here in Panama to yours...

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