Friday, June 21, 2013

Throwback Thursday...

I am linking up with throwback Thursday today.  (I know, I know it's not Thursday anymore...but it has been a very busy week:)

I know a lot of you were not following Thetravelingclassroom way back when I did this I thought I would share it again with all my new blog friends:)

 This post was from 1/16/13...

This week has been a busy week...we´ve been working on our new 2013 calendar...I may be adding more to it later - we´ll see:)

You can also find them in google docs Here and Here.
If you would like to add it to your organization just click on the image to hop over to my store.:)
I had so much fun with this digital scrap booking calendar & I would love to make more!  
If you have any requests please ask - I would love to make it for you!:) 

We have also been busy playing spoons!
It is definitely the new in thing over here:)
  If you didn´t see my post about playing spoons with K-2nd graders you should go check it out here.
It is so much fun & they can´t get enough!

 Introducing The Spoons:)

  The Spoon clip-art I´ve been working is all done too!

The spoon Clip Art has just been released !!

And....just in case you can´t resist this new excitement with spoons...  here´s  a FREEBIE for you:)
If you like your new clipart please leave some love & leave  me a comment:!)

Don't Forget to enter the giveaway for this lapbook /notebook to add to your classroom!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Pin It Link Party


  1. Hi! I noticed you started following my blog and checked yours out! Your traveling homeschooling sounds fascinating, I look forward to reading more!
    Mrs. Cobb's Kinder Sprouts

  2. Thank you so much for linking up with Room Theme Mania. Your ribbon calendar is super sweet! I loved looking at all of your pictures on the side. Thank you for sharing!


Please share your thoughts! I would love to hear from you:)